December 1, 2010

The Week Before Finals Week

‘Tis the week before finals, and all through the halls

students walk around slowly with red, sleepless, eyeballs.

Studying the entire day through, has given at least half of them a cold or a flu.

As they sit, cough, and sniff, their way through their classes

their awesome roommates, because of the stresses, all of a sudden become pains-in-their-asses.

And every so often, you’ll hear one student say
“Whatever happened to having a free day?”

No fun to be had as they all muddled through
The cumulative notes that nobody knew.

And eventually someone says to you
“I give up! I fail! Help me out here dude.”

Studying, studying all through the hours silently drained us of our great mental powers.

Our new diet consists of coffee, red bull, and tea.
The only solace we have is that in days, we’ll be free.

If we ever get free time from our horrible books, we may hop on Facebook in a small corner
nook, or play videogames, or watch a DVD, some may even try that foreign object: TV.

The library is packed with students ‘til two
When the staff finally says: “go home and sleep you.”
And some of them don’t and some of them do. We all are nocturnal around December 2.

But soon we’ll be done, we’ll be on holiday break.
We’ll see our friends back home, or maybe we’ll take, a step toward the future
after we make it
across the stage in that cap and that cape.

Only one more week people.
We can make it through. Believe me; I’m there, struggling right beside you.
We’ll get there together, I assure you, it’s true.
Just remember to take time to take care of you.

Until next time,