May 11, 2010

The rain in Spain doesn't fall mainly in the plains, and when it does, it pours.

Hello all!

It's been a busy couple of days. I started school yesterday and it was very overwhelming. This is the state my mind was in: I hadn't slept well the night before. I was trying to remember all the calles (streets) that I needed to cross in order to get to school. My señora, Concha looked at us as though she was nervous for us. We had a test thrown at us, got it back and then we were told that we had class in fifteen minutes after I got my red-inked test back from them. Then I thought I was in the wrong class because it was so simple. It was a little much. Alexi and I headed home after we were done with classes and took a siesta and then went for some retail therapy. I got a beautiful necklace with a spanish rose charm on it. We got back and it seemed like Concha knew we had had a bad day because she made us Cheeseburgers that were wonderful. We sat around the table after dinner and talked for a long time and then I skyped my parents.

Now, today was completely different. Today was a completely wonderful day.

We got to school a little before nine and headed to class the class that we were placed in because after talking to the director, and seeing what they are learning in the level above ours we know we are in the right class for us. She talked about putting us in our one class for two weeks to review and then go to the next level for the last two weeks so that we learn a lot about both levels.

We have two teachers for the same class. One part is grammar and the other part is more speaking oriented. Maya is our teacher in the morning and Isabel is our teacher at eleven. They are both really cool and have tons of energy. I love going to their classes.

After those two classes we went to an optional culture class. It was all about the different languages that are spoken in Spain. There is Castillano (normal spanish), Euskera (in Pais vasco),
Catalan (in the Barcelona area), and Gallego (in Galicia which is in northern Spain). It was very interesting and I liked the teacher for that class as well. His name was Andrés and it made me happy that he told Alexi and I that our speaking was very good. He even said we should be in his class.

After class we had lunch and went to the beach. We invited Roberto, our host brother, and "resident vampire" I don't say that in a mean way. He actually called himself a vampire while we were walking. He's pretty funny.
He asked us our ages and then said that he had two (he was joking but you couldn't tell) one was 23 and the other was some huge number that I can't remember right now. "soy un vampiro, como Edward Cullen" he said.
I didn't know whether to laugh or not because right before we left for the beach my mind had jokingly said something along the lines of here we go to the beach with the vampire, because he's always in his room, he's kind of pale, and we never see him unless it's night time, and come on his name is Roberto, it's like dracula with a punch.
It was funny because I found out he was joking after he started talking about the twilight movies. then I burst out laughing. He probably thought I was nuts.

At the beach he gave us spanish lessons. I had brought Nicole's book with me and he had me read some lines from it and talked to me about emphasizing accents. He ended up giving Alexi a vocab lesson in the sand while we were there.

Then the sun went away, and some nasty-looking clouds rolled in. We decided to pick up our stuff and head out. The rain was okay for some time but then the clouds opened up and downpoured. We sought shelter under a building and then after it let up a little bit more we continued walking home.

Tomorrow should be fun too. we're going on an excursion with school.
can't wait to tell you about it!

Until next time,


  1. I really liked hearing about your classes and the different languages in Spain.

  2. I can totally relate on the placement stuff from the beginning, especially because they test your level right as you are getting settled and finding your place in the new country! I was there with you, but you'll be in an amazing place in no time.

    p.s. I had Isabel for my last month in alicante, wonder if she remembers me? :) She was AMAZING.
