October 3, 2010


My thoughts have been in different corners of the world this week.

First in Ecuador, where my friend Amanda is studying right now. There was some unrest there earlier this week.

Last night I heard on the news that al-Qaida is believed to be planning attacks in Europe like those that occurred in Mumbai in 2008. So obviously, my thoughts are with my friends there today.

This morning I read an article in my hometown newspaper, The Minneapolis Star Tribune, that is quite unnerving to me. The headline is "U.S. Considers Telling European Travelers to Stay on Alert"

The online version is below:

Security levels are upped all over the place, and there is no travel warning for the U.S. reported as of right now.

If a travel warning is reported students who are studying abroad right now will be brought back home because of liability. So, from someone who has friends studying abroad in Spain and London, I hope that it doesn't come to that for anyone.

To my friends in Europe. Stay safe guys, I miss you!

It's quite sad how terrorist groups manage to not only strike fear into people but not allow further understanding of people, places, and cultures, to develop and grow when that is truly what will help us out in the long run.

Understanding is really the only way the world is going to get past the mess it's in right now.

So, to all my friends on the other side of the Atlantic, and studying abroad, stay safe!

I love you.

That's not said enough in today's day and age.

Until Next Time,

currently listening to: Many The Miles, Sara Bareilles

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