May 26, 2010

Today was a good day for the most part. I felt like looking cute today so I broke out my new skirt and the stilettos I bought from Blanco earlier in the month. Yeah, now my feet definitely hate me I have way too many blisters. I'm wearing tennis shoes for the rest of the week I really don't care what the spanish think of my shoes right now.

For our excursion for school today we went to El Museo de Hogueras. Hogueras are huge floats that artists in Alicante spend a whole year working on. They are brought out and shown in the streets of Valencia and Alicante during the Fiesta de San Juan in late June. They are exquisite like the one pictured below:

The night after the huge parade they burn them all, except for one, which finds a permanent home in the museum that we went to today. They put a scaled-down model in the museum of course because The real ones are 2 stories tall! How crazy is that?

They are all so gorgeous. I'm working on getting more onto my flickr account since there's limited space in my facebook album and I want to try and keep all the Alicante experiences together because I'm sort of OCD about pictures.

This weekend is looking like it's going to be a lot of fun. You might not hear from me for a few days because I've got tons of cool events coming up.

Tomorrow the students at my school are getting tapas with a couple of the professors: Maya and Andrés.

Friday I'll probably go out with some friends, or if that doesn't happen I'm going on a field trip with Concha to Elche I believe.

Saturday I go to Valencia with school

Sunday I'm going to go watch my first european style pro-football game! Alicante's team is playing this weekend, and we'll be going with our new class. I guess they're not that awesome but that's okay. I'm still excited you have no idea! It's supposed to be a major event too because if Alicante wins I guess they move up a class/level/division deal from 3rd to 2nd. (I don't quite understand why but that's what I got from class)

So it looks like the weekend will be a wonderful end to a very long and difficult week. I'll try and write soon.

My credit card works again! :)

Until Next Time,


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